Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ecuador views

This is the last post relating to our recent birding trip to Ecuador. if you want to read chronologically please go back a few posts.

Having thoroughly review all of my notes and having sorted out a couple of IDs the trip list for the whole sortie is 593 seen (453 lifers) and 42 species heard only (635 for those who are hard of maths).

Throughout the whole trip Tropical Birding were first rate and our next guided will be with them, the whole thing could ot have been better, watch this space.

A view on the way to Antisana

A Culpeo, a Fox type that danced in front of the van.

A Llama (in the foreground) up on the high paramo. The Lammas are stock animals but still evocative of the landscape. For more information about Laamas (you have probably guessed, I can't spell Llama) see Monty Python's Llamma sketch!

A view of the Antisana volcano. Quito is surrounded by volcanos, I hope they have a long blue touchpaper when they go off.

A Brazilian Rabbit possibly trying to avoid a Brazilian wax job.

One of many many stunning butterflies seen.

A tree of Oropendola nests.

The welcome view at Sacha Lodge.

Rush hour at Sacha.

Part of the Sacha welcome committee, a Spectacled Cayman

Howler Monkey, part of the audio entertaiment at Sacha, er this one's a male.

Spider Monkey, lots around Sacha and all cute.

A Southern Tamandua that ran up a tree but then found out it was not much of a tree at all.

A Pygmy Marmoset, the smaller monkey in the World and possibly the ugliest.

Suicide Towers, the rain washes the stains off regularly.

The wooden canopy tower (from the bottom)

The Tandayapa Valley, is that a Toucan Barbet in the third tree from the right?

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