22 August 2007
Now that my favourite shorebird spot is in prime condition, it is getting almost daily attention from me. Despite kids, dogs and other assorted disturbers of birds, they are building nicely and today provided me with three species for the year, making 250 in total.
Things looked a little quiet at first although Semipalmated Plovers were new in and a raft of 25 Blue-winged Teals were also good to see. Eventually I caught up with the feeding mob and amongst them was an immature Red-necked Phalarope. The birds were pretty skittish but I managed to count 75+ Least and 30+ Semiplamated Sandpipers. Mixed in the throng was at least one Baird's Sandpiper and a White-rumped. The regulars were well represented with 45 Lesser and five Greater Yellowlegs and, of course, the ubiquitus Killdeer.
The light was poor and I only managed to get a distant record shot of the phal but it was a welcome bird and I hope it stcks for a while for others to enjoy.
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