Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The outs and ins of a Saw-whet's digestive system

As promised, a series of photos of a Northern Saw-whet Owl, first of all divesting itself of its previous meal, then, taking part in a little light convenience snacking.

The photos were taken at Boucherville south-east of Montreal on January 1st 2007.

Those with a delicate stomach should look away now!

Feeling a little bilious

Definitely something on its way

Brings a lump to your throat

Now I know how the cat in Shrek felt, a bit more serious than furballs

Got it, better out than in

Enjoy photographing my discomfort did you?

Now, lunch!

You can't beat a tasty mouse picnic

I should have bit its legs off first

Nearly got it, one more good glug

Just like eating pasta

Down you go

It really is rather unseemly you know

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